Got the logging interface working today. (ELM327 and AU5970 SW CAN transceiver) The ELM needs to be running at 115Kbaud to log with headers and not overflow the buffer.
Logged two files, one with no steering wheel controls one with.
No wheel controls
Wheel controls activated
Possible Arbitration IDs for the wheel controls:
10 0D 00 60
10 2E 80 80 *
10 30 60 60 ? Incremental data ? Could be volume string to headunit.
10 30 A0 80
10 31 00 80 1 byte..
Need some filter enabled logging to see what is what.. Progress anyways!
Some good news for the frugal among us, it is possible to build a simple/cheap (<$5) cable that allows a standard ELM327 tool to connect right into the GMLAN network.